Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus

†Knights of Columbus

Local Contact: Bob Tremblay
Phone: 250-825-9204

  • Meetings are held on the first Monday of the Month at 7:00 p.m.
  • Volunteer as Ushers, Readers, Greeters, Eucharistic Ministers.
  • Pancake breakfast second Sunday of the month.
  • Offer a Gene Poulin scholarship to members’ children who attend a post secondary educational institution.
  • Initiated an Advent celebration for the Parish community.
  • Annual Charity Appeal through the B.C.– Yukon Knights of Columbus.
  • 2 bursaries to the upper intermediate grade students (male and female) at St. Joseph’s School.
  • Annual Picnic at the Tremblay Beach for Knights of Columbus families, friends, and parishioners.
  • Men’s Retreat.
  • A monthly newsletter is published for our members.
  • Support our priests and sisters e.g. Gift baskets at Christmas time.
  • Support our widows in various ways e.g. Mass cards at Christmas, flowers or gift baskets.
  • Members are involved in community activities: conservation, crossing guards at St. Joseph’s School.
  • Dutch Harbour Summer Camp support.
  • November 11 Remembrance Day ceremonies.
  • Rachel’s Vineyard, Pro-Life organization.
  • Other charitable works: Nelson City police, Pennies for heaven, Nelson Food Cupboard,
    Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, hospital visitations.
  • Sponsor Citizen of the Year for 47 years.